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Insights on Fulfillment

To first grapple with this idea of fulfillment, one must first believe in the notion that one’s life has meaning or purpose. Only then can we say you have fulfilled something (, i.e., your meaning or purpose for being here in this cosmos). You defi ne it, but before you can even defi ne it, you must first believe that there is something to discover or defi ne in the realms of meaning or purpose. From there is how we get to fulfillment, knowing we have caught whatever it is we had set out to discover.

What is belief?
Belief, in my opinion, is when you align yourself with something as if it is a fact. It does not have to be fact, nor does it help it if it is. You just have to align your actions and thoughts towards this thing to point so much so that you even unconsciously see it (trust it) to be true.

Why are we here? (Meaning/ Purpose)
That is the oldest question I believe any human or conscious thing, for that matter, has asked themselves. Why am I here? So many definitions have been given to answer this, which is why I conclude that, why one is here, is merely whatever they attribute it. The real question now becomes…why should you even believe there is a reason for why you are here?

Why should you believe?
You don’t have to.

So what is fulfillment?
Fulfillment simply is this. You are here, for whatever reason you choose to be here to do whatever you choose to do. Once you have done or are doing what it is you choose to do, you are fulfilled. However large, small, or noble that thing is, again, is up to you.

My opinion…
Find meaning in this world. Give yourself (discover) a purpose and live up to that purpose. In doing so, if you do it genuinely, I have a hunch, you will be able to experience…fulfillment.

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